Parksol PGS in Santaros Clinics - time efficient and stress free parking in hospital
Santaros Clinics is one of the biggest healthcare centres in Lithuania. Santaros Clinics has a staff of over 5000 employees. All employees work hand in hand to provide medical assistance to 1,1 million patients who visit this Hospital yearly.
It was estimated that about 400 drivers per day left their cars in illegal places despite the forbidden road signs. Therefore, the problem of parking spaces near Santaros Clinics has been relevant for more than a decade. To solve this problem here was built three multistore parking lots during the 2018 and 2019 years. Parksol system was installed in these parking areas.
Santaros clinics parking is one of the biggest parking sites in Lithuania with 2700 spaces. Parksol parking guidance system was installed in 2180 parking spaces: ultrasonic sensors with remote indication – in 1444 parking spaces, counting solution with induction loops – in 736 parking spaces. P8 is two-storey car park with 180 parking spaces. Here is installed Parksol Car Counting solution with induction loops.
P9 is six-storey parking lot with 1360 parking spaces. There is installed Parksol Ultrasonic Parking Guidance system with a remote indication in 1137 parking spaces and Parksol Car Counting solution with induction loops in 223 parking spaces.
P11 is four-storey car park with 640 parking spaces. There is installed Parksol Ultrasonic Parking Guidance system with a remote indication in 471 parking spaces and Parksol Car Counting solution with induction loops in 169 parking spaces.
Parksol Ultrasonic Parking Guidance system is the bestseller of all time. The ultrasonic sensor detects and transmits parking space availability information in real-time to the Parksol system. The system represents the number of free parking spaces on the LED screens. Space status is displayed on the remote indicator. Monitoring software ensures the most efficient usage and management of the parking lot.
Parksol Car Counting System with inductive loops counts passing cars and transmits parking space availability information in real-time to the Parksol system. The system represents a number of free parking spaces on the LED displays.
Parking facilities contain 3 separate buildings, therefore LED displays ease up the navigation and help to find free space faster. There are installed 85 Parksol ICON LED displays.
The properly planned and arranged infrastructure of the parking lots ensure faster and more convenient parking for the medical staff and visitors.
- Better visitor experience
- Time-efficient and stress-free parking saves up to 16500 minutes of visitors and staff time daily.
- Fewer traffic jams – about 300.000 kg of CO2 are reduced every year.
- Saves money – no more waiting for a free parking lot with an idle engine.
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